Monday, June 05, 2006


How would you define health? Most people, if asked "what is health?' would probably answer "not being sick," or "absence of illness". In reality, the definition of health changes with age and circumstances. Let's take weight, for instance. A new-born baby is looked on as healthier the heavier he is, but we can't say that about an adult or even an older infant. A strange thing has happened in our society during the last half-century or so. Before the invention of vaccinations and anti-biotics, illness was so threatening that people didn't seem to like talking about it very much.

If someone was feeling down, as long as he or she could still more or less function, he or she would just carry on, maybe just taking a home remedy, and try not to think too much about it. If someone got to the stage where they had to stop their usual activities, then they would call a doctor. Until around the time of the Second World War, people ate and drank whatever they wished, within their financial capabilities.

Suprisingly, although the average age of mortality rate was lower, due to infectious deseases, people were overall in better health than is so today. Today, people seem to spend a large amount of their time and money not only talking about health but also in endless attempts to become healthier and fitter. Paradoxically, few are willing to change their livestyles so as to improve their health - most of us are too busy looking for easy short-cuts and quick remedies.


Blogger johntjohnston said...

Fantastic! You made a good points there. In my personal observations I find out that in this generation people are more aware and concern with their health. Hence, any health related products are salable. Turbulence Training

8:43 AM  

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